Dragon Documentary at Discovery Channel

How To Slay The Toxic Dragon In Your Life

How To "Slay The Dragon" In Your Life In Five Simple Steps

Any time you spend around that toxic dragon , you are adding another cup full of misery to your life. You must accept that the toxic person you are with will not change, does not want to change, and does not want you to change. The toxic people want to keep poisoning you with their behavior and feel that they have every right to do so.

Toxic people roam around freely and openly because they can. They take our energy, strength, love, and our precious time on this earth. This goes on and on and slowly before we know it, our lives are used up,our hearts and souls are ruined, and the dragon keeps on going like the energizer bunny.

This is a truth that each of us needs to understand. Some people cannot be around each other, be together, or even mix without harmful effects. There are definite mismatches that were never meant to be and certainly were not meant to continue.

Coming to grips with the fact that you must leave a toxic relationship is one of the most difficult things you will ever do. It is a life changing experience and you have to have the strength to do it.

Get Prepared To Slay The Dragon By Doing These Simple tasks:

Sit down with a friend, co worker, a neighbor, or a family member and review what is going on in the toxic relationship. You need someone who can help you put the whole situation in perspective. Unfortunately we may be so close we cannot see the forest through the trees. Maybe we have started to think all of this is our fault. (It isn't.) Make a list of what has been going on, the things that have been said or done which have left you feeling destroyed. Talk about how that toxic person makes you feel and how so far you have felt powerless to change things.

Realize that love and pain are not one and the same. You do not have a good or healthy relationship if you feel drained, used, hurt, and humiliated by that person. If you are angry, depressed, lonely, hurt when you are with this person, it is no good. It is not love. It is simply an addicition to the toxic drug of choice.

Is there a reason you have been sticking with this relationship which has nothing to do with your feelings? Are you staying in this relationship for your friends, for your parents for your kids? This is not good. The clock is ticking, your life is slipping away. You cannot stay in a toxic relationship for the sake of anyone else. The relationship has lost it's value if being around the person makes you feel horrible. Don't hold onto a hot potato.

Decide if you have to make the break and then do it permanently. No trial separations, no second chances, no giving it more time. Time will only suck more energy out of you and make the dragon stronger. This is asking a lot from you because you have become somewhat used to this toxic relationship. In some ways you find yourself attracted to it, maybe for money, security, sex, etc. Sometimes you have to give up a lot to get out.

Work on your health and physical fitness. Strong body, strong mind. Work on curbing any of your habits which are hurting you, like overeating or using alcohol or drugs. Make sure you are in shape to slay the dragon before you start. The dragon will not go away easily. There may be a confrontation and you need to be strong enough to handle it.

Only you can get yourself out of the toxic relationship. Only you can slay the toxic dragon. You have given the power away to someone who has no love for you. Now is the time to take back the power and take back your life.

The Greedy Dragon Of Ambition

The greedy dragon of ambition is a very special dragon; he will always help you taking advantage of any new situation which offers a good opportunity. This dragon would never let an opportunity to be lost or waste, he is always attentive to them and ready to do what it takes.

Dragons are one of the most powerful and symbolic creatures for feng shui and oriental cultures, and there are several different myths built around them. There is, for example, the dragon of golden opportunities who takes care of helping business people achieving their goals; and there is the dragon of abundance who specializes in attracting prosperity and wealth to those who own it.

The greedy dragon is a very special one since it helps us paying attention to any opportunity which might appear and which we might have left pass if it wasn't for his help. Very often we don't realize of the chances which an opportunity offers until we have actually lost it, and this is what the greedy dragon of ambition would help us avoiding. By keeping a greedy dragon of ambition within our home or our office, we would become much more attentive to every new opportunity which might come to us.

Most of the times, opportunities are given only once and randomly, and very often we don’t notice them and actually let them pass and lose them. Therefore, it is highly important that we are ready to spot them and take advantage of what they can offer at the exact moment they appear and before they run away. According to feng shui and Chinese traditions, by having a greedy dragon of ambition we would be always attentive and ready to spot the opportunities which might cross our way.

The greedy dragon of ambition believes he is better than everybody else, which makes him feel self secure enough as not to let anyone move him away from his outstanding place. Therefore, he is always where he wishes and ready to hold every new opportunity which might appear and which shows a potential benefit for his owner.

The Supreme Imperial Dragon

The supreme imperial dragon is a very positive feng shui item which provides help in different life aspects. Dragons are one of the most important icons for the oriental cultures and therefore this item contains this added value to its symbolism. A supreme imperial dragon is a very powerful Chinese and feng shui object which can add authority and control to the environment in which he is as well as to those who inhabit it.

This Chinese item allows us to improve the power of convincing and persuading others. It enhances the possibility we have of having certain subconscious dominance on other people. Therefore, the supreme imperial dragon is ideal for business people, executives and all those whose work is based on their persuasion and negotiation skills. If you feel like you lack self confidence or you need to improve this aspect of your life, a supreme imperial dragon could be a great help to you, it would not only help you on that but also reaching any work or career related goals you might have had problems achieving before.

Having a supreme imperial dragon on the desk might be a great help not only for improving our power and persuasion abilities but also for achieving our goals. The supreme imperial dragon is meant to help people reaching their career objectives, and therefore keeping it in the office or work environment might be very helpful.

According to the Chinese traditions, the supreme imperial dragon also symbolizes masculinity and all yang related powers. Therefore, if you wish to add more yang energy within an environment, you can do so by placing a supreme imperial dragon in it. Ideally, it should be placed at a high table where he can feel important and dominate the environment in which he is.

If you are an ambitious person, whose work involves dealing with people on a daily basis and negotiating with them, you should have a supreme imperial dragon at your work place. Another way of keeping this item and receiving its benefits is by carrying it with you. This way, you could have you persuasion and negotiation skills enhanced at any moment and wherever you go.